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Rasonic 樂信 RPD-YA22U 壓縮式抽濕機 (22公升)

HK$1,699 HK$3,280
  • 每日抽濕量 : 22公升
  • *能源標籤標準(溫度26.7°C,濕度60%) : 13公升/日
  • *廠方標準(溫度30°C,濕度80%) : 22公升/日
  • 能源標籤: 1級
  • 水箱容量: 4公升有蓋水箱

100% encrypted payment, safe shopping


In order to provide safe and reliable online shopping services, e-store transactions use Transport Layer Security (TLS). All personal information, including your credit card number, name, address, etc., will be encrypted before being transmitted over the Internet to prevent your information from being read by unauthorized third parties when it is transmitted online.