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Acerpure Beauty HD364-10W 負離子風筒

HK$378 HK$398

This item needs to be ordered from the supplier. Once we receive your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery/store pickup arrangements. Please allow 1-3 business days for shipping.

  • 2,200萬高濃度負離子
  • ProDry多風道氣流雙效吹嘴
  • 大面積吹拂 急速快乾, 潤澤零毛躁
  • 高溫自動斷電安全保護
  • 便利收納 沙龍級享受隨行

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In order to provide safe and reliable online shopping services, e-store transactions use Transport Layer Security (TLS). All personal information, including your credit card number, name, address, etc., will be encrypted before being transmitted over the Internet to prevent your information from being read by unauthorized third parties when it is transmitted online.