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Sony SA-RS5 total power 180W built-in battery additional wireless rear speakers

HK$3,499 HK$4,590

Product Website: SA-RS5 Total Power 180W Extra Wireless Rear Speaker | Sony Hong Kong

product specifications
country of origin China
Size and weight
Rear speaker dimensions (width x height x depth) (mm
145 x 250 x 134mm
Rear speaker weight (kg) 2.4kg
loudspeaker Amplifier type Digital amplifier, S-Master
Output power (all) 180W (left channel: 90W + right channel: 90W)
loudspeaker channel 6ch (left channel: 3ch + right channel: 3ch)
Battery Built-in battery have
Play time (10 minutes quick charge) 90 minutes
Battery life 10 hours
Charging time 4 hours
Product care
Maintenance period 1 year
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