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Panasonic F-YZJ90H 樂聲 9公升 熱石式智慧節能抗敏抽濕機

HK$1,999 HK$2,980

This item needs to be ordered from the supplier. Once we receive your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery/store pickup arrangements. Please allow 1-3 business days for shipping.

  • 抽濕能力:9公升/日(廠方標準:溫度27℃,濕度80%)
  • 採用SUPER alleru-buster抗敏過濾網,抑制過敏原、細菌及霉菌
  • 更強乾衣表現,59分鐘可乾2公斤衣物#
  • 提供免費5年保修^

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